近日,美国华裔民权联盟(Chinese American Civil Rights Coalition,简称CACRC)起诉前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump),索赔约2290万美元。华裔民权联盟称因特朗普使用“中国病毒”等词来描述新型冠状病毒,助长了反亚裔,特别是华裔的仇恨犯罪,给华裔造成极大伤害。 华裔民权联盟称,特朗普使用这些不当称呼是“极端且残忍的行径”,忽略了是否会对亚裔美国人群体在疫情期间“造成精神困扰”,并且特朗普在做出贬义言论时明知会产生相应后果,仍然故意重复诽谤性言论,以达到个人利益和政治利益,其中的恶意和过失令人震惊。 CARC要求按照亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民的人数提供赔偿,每人赔偿1美元,总计2290万美元,用于建立博物馆来展示该族群的历史和成就。 据美国主要城市警察部门3月份统计数据显示,2020年反亚裔仇恨犯罪的报道激增了近150%。 Donald trump is being sued by a Chinese American civil rights group over his use of terms such as “China virus” to describe the novel coronavirus, with the group alleging the former president fuelled anti-Asian hate crime, a report by TMZ has said. During his term in office and upon leaving the White House, the former president frequently referred to the novel coronavirus disease as the “China virus”, and has defended his use of the terms when confronted. According to a lawsuit obtained by TMZ, the Chinese American Civil Rights Coalition (CACRC) is suing Mr Trump for roughly $22.9m, alleging defamation and infliction of emotional distress for his continued use of such phrases. The large sum demanded in the suit corresponds to $1 for every Asian American and Pacific Islander living in the United States, according to TMZ, and the group plan to use the money to set up a museum of the history of Asian American Pacific Islanders in the US. |