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发表于 2004-5-14 00:54:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


- 在法庭作证时对自己的收入作假。试图以收入低作为当初将贺梅送人抚养

- 1997年在门非斯大学当学生时,把一个不是他妻子的女人说成是他妻子,

难以令人相信。在美国,一个人被法庭判定为“deceitfulness and dishonesty,
lied under oath,perjury” ,这人也就完了,花再多钱官司也输定了。

诚实,自尊,可信的。但若你作假,欺骗,一旦被抓住,你就lose credit,


Mr. He is highly educated, both in the Peoples Republic of China and
in the United States, and exhibits a high level of intelligence. He has
demonstrated that he also has a high level of knowledge of the culture
in the United States, that he is familiar with the justice system in
Shelby County, Tennessee, and that he is proficient in his knowledge
and use of the English language. He is proficient in computer skills,
including the ability to access the Internet and to use website
technology to garner resources and seek assistance from experts.
He has an aggressive personality and shows no propensity to be deterred
or intimidated. He is a thoughtful and deliberate person who exhibits
a proclivity to calculate, plan, and carefully predetermine his action
and behaviors. At all times relevant to this case, Mr. He has demonstrated
the ability to access knowledgeable advisors in any area in which he needs
assistance, to scrutinize the advice given, and, if dissatisfied with the
advice, reject the advice and seek out other advisors.

_ Since 1998, Mr. He has repeatedly engaged in a pattern of conduct marked
by deceitfulness and dishonesty, without remorse, repentance, or conscience,
and has shown a propensity to justify all means, including perjury, for what
Mr. He deems to be justifiable ends.

_ Mr. He admitted that he lied about his income, under oath, in his December
20, 2001, deposition and that he said things that he knew were not the truth.
During his deposition, Mr. He also knowingly and willfully gave false
testimony with respect to material facts concerning his and Mrs. He’s assets.
The Court has previously found that Mr. He committed perjury while under
oath in Court hearings and pleadings filed in this cause.

_ The Court reaffirms and incorporates herein by reference the findings made
by the Court relative to the perjury of Mr. He in testimony given before the
Court on February 14, 2002, as memorialized in the February 22, 2002, order
entitled “Judgment On Order To Show Cause Pertaining To Passport” and the
order entitled “Judgment On Order To Show Cause Pertaining To Documentation
Of Marriage In The Republic Of China.”

_ The evidence also shows that Mr. He tried to procure an F-2 visa, in 1997,
for another Chinese woman, who Mr. He claimed was his wife. Mr. He later
admitted that this woman was not his wife and that he had committed a fraud
on the University of Memphis.
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