又到了hiking的好时节. 我列了一下我经常去的trails. 不知道大家有没有什么好的推荐.
1. Seaton Trail. 最大特色是它有一水库,每年5月初,chot都会在那里逆流而上,展现鲤鱼跃龙门的盛况.
Direction: take the 401 and exit at Brock Rd. and go north, head west on Finch to Valley Farm Rd and start looking for a place to park. the trail starts on a gravel walking path and connects with single track after a K or so.
2. Rough River Valley 蜿蜒起伏,美不胜收. Rough River Valley 其实是很广阔. 我经常去的trail 是在old sherpard. 它南至Ontario Lake. 全程走个来回大概需要6小时.每年九,十两月,可以看到Salmon逆流而上. |