Bluelake, 被裁掉的确是一件很痛苦的事,不管是发生在自己身上,还是在周围人的身上,但更重要的是以怎样的态度来看待它。我在此贴一段从一本畅销书中摘录的话,供你做参考:
1. The typical job in the new millennium is best viewed as a temp job. That is, ‘of uncertain length’. If you work for someone else (and in the U.S. at least, 90% of the workforce do) then how long your job lasts is up to the people you work for, and not just you. Your job can end at any time, and without warning. You must always be mentally prepared to go job-hunting again, at the drop of a hat.
2. The typical job in the new millennium is best viewed as a seminar. Almost every job today is moving and changing so fast, in its very nature, that there is a lot you will have to learn, both when you begin and throughout the time you are there. You cannot think of your job just in terms of what you accomplish. You must think of it in terms of what you learned, and are learning, and will learn, there. You must not only be ready to learn, but eager to learn. And you must emphasize to every would-be-employer how much you love to learn new tasks and procedures, and how fast you learn.
3. The typical job in the new millennium is best viewed as an adventure. If you end up working in an organization of any size, it is very likely that the dramas which will be played out there, daily, weekly and monthly, will rival any soap opera that is on television today. Power plays! Ambition! Rumors! Poor decisions! Strange alliances! Betrayals! Rewards! Sudden twists and turns that no one could have predicted ahead of time! Sometimes you\'ll love the way it is turning out; sometimes you\'ll hate it!
4. The typical job in the new millennium is one where the satisfaction must lie in the work itself. In the old days, most of us hoped we would not only find work we enjoyed, but also work where we were and are appreciated. In other words, we looked for a kind of love at our place of work. |