读Randy的[The Last Lecture].很感动." c U6 q. Y H: y& Q
4 y( V' v* L: c/ D0 E
我被RANDY感动.跟着他对他自己一路走来的追梦路程的点滴描写而欢笑,难过和流泪.$ q) a0 v* Y4 P1 n5 _, l* J
& e, c1 t6 b& N$ G7 v
9 i1 Y9 m& G9 B- d% D8 `8 {8 t) `9 V6 k1 v C% {' x% Z# ]
佩服他能那么冷静坚强和有尊严的直面死亡. P6 e3 X: Z d3 L c( T
" ~+ j, L8 I. [: l) ^7 t, }体会到了他的不舍,无奈和内心深处的悲哀.
% a/ }2 s0 }1 G! T, R: E0 j$ `8 p5 \3 Z8 e
父母的爱,使他知道如何爱家人和亲人.; M7 E! W" \- Y; J
+ A8 P+ W) ?1 ^3 q O
感叹他在生命的最后时刻,能那么理智的尽量安排好家人今后没有了他的日子.* B b/ B2 s8 i" _$ r' {
) W* \' w4 S5 {4 C. y) r如他所说,人生就是一个追梦的过程,人生从开始到结束都是一个意外(accident)! ( M0 f$ k6 _1 e: t3 M* x
) @- k6 F) [* h; I8 H+ w& [+ r6 H
尽量让自己的人生成为美梦吧!1 B, ? w3 ^; L( ?
1 ]; K# ]' O) }. j) X3 U7 g' h7 s+ H8 B
特别要说说那段,他从大夫那里得到了他只能等待死亡的坏消息,RANDY和妻子走出大夫诊所的描写,觉得人真是要珍惜拥有的.8 H& |! g) C! W# `3 F- R
" v0 m+ X* l7 \9 G/ x
[Leaving the doctor's office, I thought about what I'd said to Jai in the water park in the afterglow of the speed slide. "Even if the scan results are bad tomorrow," I had told her, "I just want you to know that it feels great to be alive, and to be here today, alive with you. Whatever news we get about the scans, I am not going to die when we hear it. I won't die the next, or the day after that, So today, right now, well this is a wonderful day. And I want you to know how much I'm enjoying it"]
2 F. R4 B( m/ \$ a, @4 o6 Z ( l! z2 R# ?* `% i
读到他在讲演结束时,听众边鼓掌边给JAI,他的妻子说生日快乐,他请JAI上台跟他在一起,他们紧紧的拥抱和亲吻时,JAI在他耳边说:"PLEASE DON'T DIE."我忍不住泪流满面,痛哭失声!# ]& l9 c; S8 P( {
% s0 `# R6 P6 Y; J d& W5 k& Q
[I really had no idea what I would do or say after the audience sang “Happy Birthday” to Jai./ w8 b* v" ]# A) @( m
But as I urged her onto the stage, and she came toward me, a natural impulse overtook me. Her, too, I guess. We embraced and we kissed, first on the lips, and then I kissed her cheek.
' v3 R6 [4 o6 Y, o+ YThe crowd kept applauding.1 R* G: K& Q3 n" b, z) T% W
We heard them, but it was like they were miles away.1 Y: T7 m5 i2 h; I
As we held each other, Jai whispered something in my ear.
) B* X' x% V7 F& J y) G" L% _- O“Please don’t die.”]0 _% D5 U o* |% a, K
2 {) W! [- }# W: a还有他追求他理想的妻子时遭遇挫折的经过,很有意思.
1 I \. u- G; S# d7 H. s0 y
" `" h" ]6 e2 e& K5 |$ L本来坐在Starbucks里喝着咖啡读书对我是一件很遐意的事情,可是这次泪流满面很狼狈.
4 J6 K& R- O9 }% k) _" J |