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《瑜伽经》- 第一章

发表于 2009-11-29 13:25:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
伟大的瑜伽师帕坦伽利(Pantaniali)所著《瑜伽经》(Yoga Sutras)是瑜伽学派的根本经典。经文记载了古印度的大师们关于神圣、人、自性、物质观、身体、精神、梵文语音几乎所有范围的深邃的论述。《瑜伽经》指引瑜伽者完成性灵的旅程,书中充满对身心世界的探索,告诉人们最为根本的道德,书中的所有智能并不能被后人完全解释,历代大师不断的撰写关于《瑜伽经》的书籍。瑜伽经的思想在瑜伽者的生活中处处的体现。
/ e0 j' {& v" ^' i2 ^
: T" P4 p& o* I4 q      按: 瑜伽经大约成书为公元三百年,而历史文物表明瑜伽公元前3000年在印度就有相关的修炼了。帕坦伽利的伟大在于他不加偏见地系统整理了当时流行的各种宗派,又结合古典数论的哲学体系,从而使瑜伽为印度正派哲学所承认,瑜伽也因此影响了印度的各种哲学而取得了印度文明的核心地位。8 q8 i0 \+ T- ?+ c4 O5 D
+ _/ A. G9 s  f! W: Z1 q
第一章  瑜伽及其目标3 |2 v, U3 u) y4 e* q2 w

2 l2 w5 [2 z/ q+ X1 N1.1 This is the beginning of instruction in yoga.! q+ Y" ~/ {: g
: L. c* P- u  v( m8 d1 B* `* }
4 i1 Y5 }4 R' U' B1.2  Yoga is the control of thought-waves in the mind.& E! A  t4 b7 A  ^
      瑜伽是控制心的意识波动。% N0 M9 ~9 |, k
# d2 ]: q$ J- O
1.3 The man abides in his real nature1 \7 A3 U; N& Y* B& u! {$ x
- c% q3 O! h  |7 \! V
+ }/ G$ E# H2 R1 \1 j& ?; d, b1.4 At other times,when he is not in the state of yoga, man remains identified with the thought-wave in the mind." b# f8 ]$ g; X# o- t; |6 O- h/ P
      当人不处在瑜伽状态时,他仍会认同于心的意识波动。) v: c* Y. A% j) d" |
+ E( H7 M$ n& H, a6 y/ c
1.5 There are five kinds of thought-waves------some painful, others no painful.( @# S6 S5 j( p! w
      意识波动有五种,有些是痛苦的,有些并不痛苦。* _2 d$ I. T7 E% O
& m. i7 d1 Z# e: |1 E
1.6 These five kinds of thought-waves are: right knowledge, wrong knowledge, verbal delusion, sleep and memory.& G2 Y' z3 y4 ]  |
      这五种意识波动是:正知、谬误、分别知、睡眠和记忆。& a1 a" ]0 o: M* T
6 x( g& D8 t! F" G, a
1.7 The right kinds of knowledge are : direct perception, inference and scripttural testimony.- O! f+ Q' N3 [
      知觉、推论和经典是正知。9 X6 O' `  k9 R* D6 x. D

# D' q$ a$ k/ `* F# M/ R1.8 Wrong knowledge is knowledge which is false and not base upon the true nature of its object.2 O8 e: z1 N+ K
4 f4 p2 j' c& l( p5 N1 C) s% M% p* H  [$ E- C9 i) x' q
1.9  Verbal delusion arises when words do not correspond to reality.
: B* q; }6 C, X3 k6 K' ^      语言与实在不符,就产生了分别知。2 f3 n1 `  c7 D# P; `

; f& \: n5 Q8 Q4 C1.10 Sleep is a wave of thought about nothingness.
  `4 {9 a; C1 X/ X: ^8 h      睡眠是有关虚无的意识波动。# F# U/ @$ n) [1 I5 M* F

8 e8 u4 c" j' Z! t0 [( q2 p/ c& l1.11  Memory is when perceived objects are not forgotten, but come back to consciousness.
% F3 H5 Z9 b8 ]5 Y9 q      记忆是未遗忘又返回到意识中的感知对象。$ r0 u  K+ M+ u, ~* c9 U: _
% b: U. v/ X# v6 W% w. d$ _
1.12 They are controlled by means of practice and non-attachment.
3 G% `) m8 p2 T6 ^4 X6 a) N: }      通过修行和不执可以控制它们。
6 J: K: o  m% j) _& V" q% Z. k  e+ c: m% U( @8 R( T; i
1.13 Practice is the repeated effort to follow the disciplines which give permanent control of the thought-waves of the mind.
0 e' S+ ]# e6 d- Z# D0 F) e      修行即不断地做出努力以永久的控制住心的意识波动。( _( ]; X# a2 j  b: D
# L# p: A- ]' {9 u+ l; O
1.14 Practice becomes firmly grounded when it has been cultivated for a long time, uninter-ruptedly, with earnest devotion.4 Q5 x- g, `* I( o
% O1 _9 x9 m+ p2 L" B* z: V9 I- U9 Y  m( n: @
1.15 Non-attachment is self-mastery; it is freedom from desire for what is seen or heard.
$ |2 }6 z5 T+ i( w/ _% L      不执是一种自我掌控,它摆脱了对所见所闻之物的欲望。
$ _/ e" T" N/ ^: f
- Q+ G* {, i8 f1.16 when, through knowledge of the Atman, one ceases to desire any manifestation of Nature, then that is the highest kind of non-attachment.
5 U, E2 `6 C0 G4 e      一旦认识阿特曼,人对自然的任何表象都无欲无求,这就是最高的不执。
( s- \3 t& i7 \/ v( t! p9 R7 T! r/ R' g  N4 T. q* v; H
1.17 Concentration upon a single object may reach four stages: examination, discrimination, joyful peace and simple awareness of individuality.
6 R' ^5 _$ {6 Q1 ~      专注于单一对象将经历四个阶段:检验、分辨、喜悦的平静和简单的个体意识。  P2 D* D* I5 T6 _

* L- p: Q4 w* D7 |# V1.18 The other kind of concentration is that in which the consciousness contains no object-only sub-conscious impressions, which are like burnt seeds. It is attained by constantly checking the thought-waves through the practice of non-attachment.( W$ [) Q! k3 b% j' R1 E
      另一种专注是专注于不包含任何对象的意识----只有潜意识的印迹, 如同烧过的种子. 通过对不执的修习而稳稳地控制住意识波动才能达到这种专注。
6 R3 W2 O5 F1 N4 B  N: A  o" ~& k5 e. U9 _) Q: H  ?: A, D1 K& }9 Y
1.19 When such concentration is not accompanied by non-attachment, and ignorance therefore remains, the aspirant will reach the state of the disincarnate gods or become merged in the forces of Nautre.0 ]  y6 y4 A" U3 `' _' B
, `5 D" V9 K4 |5 L* f
6 v" x! m8 x4 N" L1.20 The concentration of the true spiritual aspirant is attained through faith, energy, recollectedness, absorption and illumination.  
( t  p# Y9 E; q- J& Q) V      对真正的灵修者来说,专注是通过信、力、念、定、慧达到的。
. m8 m* V+ Q, e4 A3 [" A  C  E2 V, p
1.21 Success in yoga comes quickly to those who are intensely energetic." m5 C: K! s4 {% ^0 ]% `
      能量强盛的人会很快修成瑜伽。* M4 M% i+ F# X5 o
8 ^! _) `; a9 p" g4 s
1.22 Success varies according to the means adoped to obtain it-mild , medium or intense.
. _* f7 m; s( d      根据修行手段之弱、中、强,达成瑜伽的快慢有别。/ }; }) U9 d' P5 h0 I

+ \8 h' z6 i! L! W7 Q0 |! T1 R. H1.23 Concentration may also be attained through devotion to Ishwara.
" l$ c! i: y: S$ y      通过虔信自在天也能达到专注。
  d9 k+ p) b* _, q/ }9 r5 ]2 U
% r2 ~' w' w% }( N$ r! H# s1.24 Ishwara is a special kind of Being, untouched by ignorance and the products of ignorance, not subject to karmas or samskaras or the result of action.4 I( F  N) S8 j; e9 |) a; o' S' ~
$ H/ F9 l/ v7 z) d6 ^6 B: M. j+ |. ~  ^, O9 [5 j! E
1.25 In him, knowledge is infinite; in others it is only a germ.
% t) o* y' q1 x8 ?6 h      在自在天那里,知识是无限的; 而对其他人而言,知识只是胚芽。
0 M* u7 f% X" L* R1 l5 i) Q3 u
4 Y, Y: V6 b9 g; ~/ I1.26 He was the teacher even of the earliest teachers, since He is not limited by time." Q" p  q; b. B! s+ r
      自在天是最早的导师的导师,因为他不受时间的限制。) R7 R9 K7 U0 f7 ^

; U' D/ `7 C$ I" i# K9 L0 m! v3 Z1.27 The word which expresses Him is OM.
" T/ s* t9 b( f; E7 v% s* q      表达自在天的词是唵。2 A6 G! \# z$ d2 t

+ ^+ {3 U% T) S1.28  This word must be repeated with meditation upon its meaning.
9 o. J; y6 T; k; Q  a      常念此词,并冥想它的意义。+ w4 ~$ U/ h7 p7 `. P+ B' X4 C* N
1 c% |! P, x0 X( V2 K+ j2 J
1.29 Hence comes knowledge of the Atman and destruction of the obstacles to that knowledge.
4 T+ c* N* h# Z0 _( C5 R      由此人们可认识阿特曼,并使此种认识毫无障碍。2 }. b, r3 Y' z) B: ~, @( w9 w

- D& J7 d3 u2 D7 i9 a" b1.30 Sickness, mental laziness, doubt, lack of enthusiasm, sloth, craving for sense-pleasure, false perception, despair caused by failure to concentrate and unsteadiness in concentration: these distractions are the obstacles to knowledge.
( y: i) y5 m9 A      疾病、懒散、疑惑、冷漠、懈怠、欲念、妄见、精神不集中和注意力不稳定,这类精神涣散都是认识的障碍。
0 I+ q( P% p( u9 Y  a7 f
1 Z3 t+ T# A' E! ?0 o  ]1.31 These distractions are accompanied by grief, despondency, trembling of the body and irregular breathing.
) v5 B  o5 }& t1 d      精神涣散常伴随着悲伤、失望、身体颤抖和呼吸不匀。
- b$ a6 F" _$ M0 C0 m
7 F; U# ^8 L! {' G1 n; ]/ _1.32 They can be removed by the practice of concentration upon a single truth.1 n! I% A& ]* C% p0 D
+ ]2 k5 {/ i. g( ~! k- G- [
$ o- [; w: g  d1.33 undisturbed calmness of mind is attained by cultivating friendiness towards the happy, compassion for the unhappy, delight in the virtuous, and indifference toward the wicked.6 z9 T' A  {4 N$ B% J
      心的平静来自对德行的培养:对幸福的人的友善和对不幸的人的慈悲、对有德的人的喜乐 和 对邪恶的人的冷漠。
1 w4 Y$ B- {3 p, {
( o% z1 g) i( g% r# A. z6 a# o1.34 The mind may also be calmed by expulsion and retention of the breath.
" h& N! r( b1 W- W$ [$ G      也可以通过调节呼吸使心平静。
7 w' U0 {, G  a- C7 K9 P+ v  a. [/ L
1.35 Those forms of concentration which result in extra-ordinary perceptions encourage perseverance of the mind." ~# x" w: T% _1 k
" ~! {+ g9 `& E0 B- ?4 q. p2 M* A* V
1.36 Concentration may also be attained by fixing the mind upon the Inner light, which is beyond sorrow.! z* ~. a' [$ U+ }4 C6 D8 \
+ N- e/ _9 C4 P  W8 O. U, W% P1 }  d
1.37 Or by meditating on the heart of an illumined soul, that is free from passion.
4 H- ]9 n/ r' R6 S      或者冥想摆脱一切欲望的觉悟者的心。
, r% q4 L" Q" R" s( }" ]
$ E1 ?$ m: r; Z$ l1.38 Or by fixing the mind upon a dream experience, or the experience of deep sleep.
( P* V* g0 f0 Y! o      或者把心固定在梦中或深度睡眠的体验上。5 \, o" F$ f- y# g# `! m
# G7 i! G7 h7 _9 s8 n! z+ C
1.39 Or by fixing the mind upon any drivine form or symbol that appeals to one as good.) @0 [6 ?' ^* f' R9 m1 R+ v  v1 N/ r
      或者把心固定在自认为是善的神圣形式或象征上。3 A. J8 M9 _7 T3 H: [; Q' j  W1 G
; t- ]& l" T. O- _* v# @# U% w, i  g
1.40 The mind of a yogi can concentrate upon any object of any size, from the atomic to the infinitely great.- \1 }/ j) a) v# `$ d
; S0 ?' j! c: W* u% V1 R: o$ N# w+ o: q8 Z2 q+ S
1.41 Just as the pure crystal takes color from the object which is nearest to it,  so the mind, when it is cleared of thought-waves, achives sameness or identity with the object of its concentration. This may be either a gross object, or the organ of perception, or the sense of ego. This achievement of sameness or identity with the object of concentration is known as samadhi.
4 f% V6 g2 _9 H& E      纯净的水晶会接受离它最近的物体的色彩,心也一样,当心清除了意识波动时,就会达到与专注的对象同一。这个对象可能是粗糙物质,也可能是感官,或是我慢。这种与专注对象的同一被称为三昧。. K0 b! `7 O0 L7 B* c
: `* h- B4 M& Q  g+ f) B7 K% [
1.42 When the mind achieves identity with gross object of concentration, mixed with awareness of name, quality and knowledge, this is called savitarka smadhi.
4 o% w( x8 B6 e  H3 w0 k* ^      当心与专注的粗糙对象达成同一,但仍参杂着名称、性质和知识的意识,这被称为有寻三昧。( }7 Q6 d* I: a. o% ^) Y4 y
5 r/ E3 z  k& S- M; S' h" J
1.43 When the mind achieves identity with gross object of concentration, unmixed with awareness of name, quality and knowledge, so that the object alone remains, this is called nirvitarka smadhi.
7 W2 l4 k6 l5 _" Y% x      当心与专注的粗糙对象达成同一,且不参杂着名称、性质和知识的意识,只留下对象本身,这被称为无寻三昧。0 S8 K' G% u, n% w

! C- ~# M( A6 W* P1.44 When the object of concentration is a subtle object, two kinds of  samadhi, called savichara and nirvichara, may be distinguished in the same manner.
4 S% d5 Y3 K  m1 R# W) A# O      当专注对象是细微对象时,所谓的有伺三昧和无伺三昧可以用同样的方式加以区别。* S* i% x  ?. x" a3 ]& V/ G2 L
, n% d' i/ y7 K" H
1.45 Behind all subtle objects is Prakriti, the primal cause.
6 D  Q( f0 N. e* x# i. A: J: h/ N) c      在所有细微对象的背后是原质这个最初因。
$ K! ?) E- M5 K6 ?9 H, P7 C
" q4 ?8 f+ J- |- U- ^0 Q1.46 These kinds of samadhi are said to be "with seed".2 n- w% V: c5 a% x$ b( o
7 Z' f3 a+ j1 X: `
2 X, v* W# x& |9 }4 }( h1.47 In reaching nirvichara samadhi the mind becomes pure.
6 c# k- o) ~) i- f5 G! b' H2 j0 u      在无伺三昧中,心会变的纯粹。8 o) L- y/ {; C; d  ?

2 s9 h0 G, e; V, z) ?. S- O1.48 In that samadhi, knowledge is said to be "filled with truth".
; U1 m& }: p6 D! S0 B  ]! u' o      在这种三昧中, 知识可以说是"充满真理"。
' B8 g" k7 E% F8 Y2 g
7 ?- Y5 O) E' p1.49 The knowledge which is gained from inference and the study of scripttures is knowledge of one kind. But the knowledge which is gained from samadhi is of a much higher order. It goes beyond inference and scriputres./ n  T  o: |! R
      通过推理和研习经典获得的知识是知识的一种.但从三昧中获得的知识更高级. 它超越了推理和经典。
$ ~4 _2 A- m$ M% ~6 C1 p! G8 ?# n! m+ L2 H0 o; H
1.50 THe impression which is made upon the mind by that samadhi wpies out all other past impression.; x9 f; W4 g3 f
      由三昧加于人心的印迹将抹去过去所有其他印迹。' q+ P, y  t2 I7 n' q( t  e( N6 m
! P) q$ _: M, y6 c
1.51 When the impression made by that samadhi is also wiped out, so that there are no more thought-waves at all in the mind, then one enters the samadhi which is called "seed-less".
3 e! V" d* R" y3 i/ C3 r  {      当由三昧产生的印迹也被清楚时,心中不再有意识波动,这就进入了“无种三昧”。
0 f4 R$ }& R7 W( X( b( x0 R, P7 V1 M4 `+ J& ]/ K
发表于 2009-12-1 00:25:10 | 显示全部楼层
7 H* m7 e7 I9 Q4 x以前对瑜珈的印象就是教那些奇怪动作的,不知有什么用。原来它还是一个很复杂得体系
发表于 2009-12-1 02:34:29 | 显示全部楼层
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