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World of Warcraft Midlevel Fishing Guide For Midlevel Characters

发表于 2009-10-7 12:50:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
These WoW user submitted guides are becoming extremely popular and the best part about them is the fact that I can not read everyone's minds when it comes to finding guides for this website. Everyone wow gold has their own unique way of doing things in-game and this is just another FANTASTIC guide from Sheytan who has put this to the test. Ok, ok...I'll quit boring you now, read the guide below...

I have noticed several guides online for fishing. Most have been for high level characters fishing in places you can't reasonably get to until your level 50+.

I've done some research oncheap wow gold my own to find out the best places to fish for "money fish". This is done from the perspective of a level 31 horde character.

There is alot of money to be made in fishing. Maybe not as fast as other professions but steady income with just 30 minutes to an hour of your playing time. It is also one of the cheapest professions to make money with.

I also recommend getting your cooking skill up as you get your fishing skill up. Several fish sell better when cooked. Raw Sagefish and Deviate Fish are the main midlevel money fish that require cooking.

First, you should go to a fishing buy wow gold trainer in your city. I suggest fishing in the waters there because it is safe, no threat of anything attacking while you are leveling up your fishing skill. Thunder Bluff has a pond, Org has a pond and you can fish in the sewers of Undercity. Level your fishing up to 75. You will miss a few at first and the fish will be "throw aways". Retrain.

At this time I suggest either buying a fishing enchant to your gloves or investing a few silver in a fishing pole that will give you +fishing. The following is a list of fish and where to find them. I fished most places until I caught 35 fish and recorded what I caught. It world of warcraft gold took me apx. 15 minutes to catch 35 fish. The exceptions are for places that you need to fish the schools to benefit.

Deviate Fish: Can be sold raw but sell much better when cooked. They require mild spices. They are the fish that cause a "flip out" effect, turning you into a pirate or ninja. Cooked ones on my server bring from 1g-4g. Most of the time I can sell 5 for 1g.

Lushwater Oasis - caught 10 Deviates, 25 Throw Aways. Usually at least 2 schools.
Stagnant Oasis- caught 11 Deviates, 24 Throw Aways. Usually 3 schools.
The Forgotten Pools- caught 9 Deviates, 26 Throw Aways. Usually 1 school.
Wailing Caverns- 19 Deviates, 16 Throw Aways. No schools. (WC has more drops of the Deviates but it is dangerous to fish these waters. It took me an hour to catch 35 fish due to being constantly attacked)

Firefin Snappers: Used in Alchemy for fire spells. These sell really well. Mine are usually sold within an hour of putting them up in AH. I get 1g50s for a stack of 20 on my server.

Blackwolf River in Windshear Crag: They will not drop unless you fish from the schools. They are called Oil Spills. There are also schools of Floating Wreckage in this river that are worth fishing. Usually 12 schools yeilding apx 45 fish. Usually 5 schools of Floating Wreckage.
The Zoram Strand: Caught 3 Firefin Snappers, 13 Oily Blackmouth, 19 Throw Aways.
Booty Bay: Caught 7 Firefin Snappers, 4 Oily Blackmouth, 24 Throw Aways.
NorthWatch Hold: Thottbot wow says you can catch Firefin Snappers here. I have never seen one there. You have to go to Dreadmurk Coast to find one school and the creatures there are lvl ?? to my 31 mage.

Oily Blackmouths: These are used in Alchemy and Enchanting. I usually get around 1g for a stack on my server.

The Merchant Coast: Start at Ratchet and go all the way up the coast till you reach the end of Northwatch Hold. (If you are an herbalist you will also be able to farm a stack of Stranglekelp while doing this) Usually 7 schools yeilding apx 23 Oilyblackmouths, 3 Floating Debris schools.
The Zoram Strand: caught 13 Oily Blackmouths, 3 Firefin Snappers and 19 Throw Aways.

Raw Sagefish: These fish sell best when cooked. They require mild spices. When eaten they restore both health and mana, very useful to mana using classes. They also give a "well fed" buff.

Hillsbrad Foothills in the river just down from Tarren Mill: I go from the bridge in the road leading to Tarren Mill until I reach the end of Alterc Mountains. I would not suggest going beyond the small waterfall just past the bridge. You will be in Southshore before you know it with lvl ??'s killing you. There are snapjaws in the water but they will not attack unless you do. (Also a good place for herbalists to gather liferoot) There are usually 7-10 schools yeilding apx 50 fish.

Stonescale Eel: These are typically caught in high level places. The reason I add them in this guide is because if you are lucky you can find 2 schools of them in Booty Bay. These have brought me upwards of 5g for stacks of 10.

Using just one hour of my game playing time per day typically gives me 10-20 gold from fishing. It may not seem like a lot but it adds up and will definately help you save up for that mount money or special weapon you want!
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