5 e; P1 ~$ p2 u) {0 ]' u6 Q0 r9 r6 D- s
0 x# S* b( w9 F {4 h0 Y ffice ffice" /> 2 ~, E# R! j" ?8 s: J$ m( x
# i3 m7 m5 B4 G6 I3 ]* d
3 C3 x$ ]! f$ H$ d
MUNICIPALITY OF KYRENIA `- E& e; w6 \* a6 z; b2 q! Z' U
# {( L6 R4 G# P
" m' G- q3 d6 T7 ~0 E. V6 R- Z+ p2 f2ND INTERNATIONAL “OLIVE” CARTOON CONTEST 2009 9 K) {+ M9 z9 l) P9 l _, [8 e" U( [9 m
& d( L# ^' Z: k$ g
凯里尼亚市政府 塞浦路斯土耳其族漫画家协会 1 [) I3 f$ o |% Q7 ]) Q
第二届国际“橄榄”漫画大赛 2009
( O& Q+ }4 z# Q, } % b3 E0 u4 o) O# \; V- @
8 L/ X- B5 ^$ Z/ f+ B/ L1 g
; q0 `5 d7 o% W% \ }1-This contest and exhibition is open to all professional and amateur cartoonists of any nationality religion and background…大赛面向所有国家不同信仰的专业和业余漫画家
4 N$ }1 i5 i5 J% K9 G 7 T# }# V+ @& T5 E+ a
2-Subjects-Topics: Cartoons against detroying the olive trees, olive, olive industry, olive oil, olive branch, olive tree, cutting olive trees, benefit from olive etc...主题:反对摧残橄榄树,有关橄榄、橄榄工业、橄榄油、橄榄枝、砍伐橄榄树,橄榄的好处等内容;
) U& o2 q5 Q) p; s 4 g- D W- P7 w) |1 X6 `
3-The minimum and maximum sizes of each cartoon to be submitted must be A4 and A3. Cartoons can be drawn in any colour… There shall be no frame nor any bandages around the cartoons…只限平面作品;尺寸不小于A4,不大于A3;
/ U& t0 i+ e6 V
# A8 z8 I- s4 q2 [- o" i& v/ {2 |4-The cartoons must be original... Not photocopies...必须是原作而非影印件;
, c: y( X7 A& X; e* j3 p
$ o `& i) ~ q4 I6 O: K1 A5-The cartoons submitted to the contest which will be pre-elected will be put and exhibited on a web page for the attention and objection of international cartoon associations to overcome copying and steeling… Any cartoon which is copied, stolen or awarded in other cartoon contest will be disqualified…参赛作品将在大赛网页公示;任何剽窃作品或在其他漫画大赛获奖的作品无资格参赛;
9 |9 G& H4 `4 J0 a4 V4 \! s * E* L/ C3 b* p0 h, C3 Z0 N* |
6-All participants are allowed to submit maximum two cartoons… Name, surname, address, e-mail and telephone numbers of the participants must be written at the back of each cartoon… A short resume and photograph must also be attached…每位参赛作者最多提交两幅作品,请在作品背面写上姓名、地址、电子邮箱和电话号码,同时还必须提供作者简历和照片; / J3 I8 A" Z2 ?8 V
, }! F4 W0 k$ E9 ?+ q' i7-All the cartoons must reach to the specified addresss till 01 JUNE 2009… The cartoonists themselves will be responsible from all losses, delays and damages…截稿日期:2009年6月1日;作品中邮寄过程中丢失,延期和损坏,责任自负; % }/ V! J! v( [) `* S
) x# \8 N/ B# r5 v1 p
8-Being publicated or not is not important for the cartoons… The important thing is that they should not be awarded in any contest…作品是否发表过均可,重要的是不能在其他任何漫画比赛中获过奖; - j4 N) _5 V' g$ y
. `$ q0 j3 B- y& J8 R
9-All cartoons eligible for an award or not shall not be returned and shall be stored in archive of the "Cyprus Inernational Catoon Museum." 参赛作品均不退稿,将被收藏在塞浦路斯国际漫画博物馆存档; 4 l- \- k8 |7 a: q& \. N
! v9 w# \: b# [
10-Besides those cartoons which will be awarded, all the cartoons approved by the selection committee will be pubicated in an album and exhibited in Kyrenia Village during the “8th International Olive Festival”. 所有入选作品将在凯里尼亚村“第8届国际橄榄节”展出并入选展览册页; $ k* ?1 u/ E! d( U* ]6 @8 V
( ^- \: E* ^1 N# L# n( R
11-The result of the contest will be announced in local newspapers…比赛结果将在当地报纸发表; R, D. q! Y' Z6 k' X
8 f0 D& ^, ~! F. d
; W) I1 u0 M+ Q6 H1 ^+ A
- The transfer and accomodation expenses of the cartoonists who will win the first three awards will be paid by the Municipality of Kyrenia…前三名获奖者由凯里尼亚市政府提供交通和食宿费用;
. M$ S8 g# R% i, {
. n8 ~# O9 M# c% b4 z; V
. e2 i9 s7 {7 l# {3 p; }- Only the accomodation expenses of the cartoonists who will win particular/distinctive awards will be paid by the Municipality of Kyrenia…特别奖获得者将由凯里尼亚市政府提供食宿费用;
+ c3 @8 D+ [2 U& r! r
8 q+ p4 O( e. Y+ F' V7 oAWARDS: 奖项
0 S( r8 l# G% }" s8 m* r% j ! l0 U t7 ?7 m: g5 { i9 P
1st Prize: 1.500 Euro+Gold Olive (Medal)... 一等奖:1500欧元加金橄榄奖章 3 G! {2 Q' V/ n7 N# R
2nd Prize: 1.000 Euro+ Silver Olive (Medal)... 二等奖:1000欧元加银橄榄奖章
- ^3 B8 D4 u" C! k( D3th Prize: 750 Euro+Bronz Olive (Medal)... 三等奖:750 欧元加铜橄榄奖章 8 O7 [. U9 Y6 a6 [8 P7 R! t1 m0 t9 F
' _) b* c1 \, K10 or 20 person “Special Prize” (Olive Medal) 10—20名特别奖 橄榄奖章
1 Q7 w' ~! m' o0 X; q, T) M T 5 A. c3 n3 Z8 P! s& X: D' J
% W+ q! a& ?) ~2 a+ `2 J; z 0 Q& T: s! W0 c8 s9 ]
& e/ ]4 x: j, q1 G
V3 H1 e7 y2 q3 Q7 p, ]) n- cE-MAIL: 电子信箱
* y) D' h$ a0 G9 L1 R& K; M+ c6 Zcakmak@kibris.net |