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To emerald

发表于 2004-2-7 12:33:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi, Ni Hao.

Can you post some of your daughter's pictures? I think she is also a lovely baby.

For the language problem. I think it is very good to just speak Chinese in home and teach baby. If we use both English and Chinese, I think Alex will be confused. English is not a problem for him as long as he enters pre-school or kindergarden in the future. I have read an English article about baby education, it was said that, for the baby below than 7 years old, they are adaptive to languages by their natures (not learn----pay attention to the word "adaptive"). My mama is very experienced in teaching baby, I learned a lot from her.

We are sad tha my mama's visa is going to expired, and they will return to China next month. So we have to send Alex to day-care......

发表于 2004-2-8 12:36:00 | 显示全部楼层
Originally posted by Alexchen at 2004-2-6 08:33 PM:
Can you post some of your daughter\'s pictures? I think she is also a lovely baby.

* Yes. I will post later when they are available. Now all the photos are in my laptop hard drive but i don\'t have a laptop now.

For the language problem. I think it is very good to just speak Chinese in home and teach baby. If we use both English and Chinese, I think Alex will be confused.

agree. we only teach her Chinese at home too.
We are sad tha my mama\'s visa is going to expired, and they will return to China next month. So we have to send Alex to day-care......

Same situation happened to me lasyt year and I ended up hiring a nanny at home.
发表于 2004-2-12 05:46:28 | 显示全部楼层
alexchen, 你说要看看我家宝贝,这不,赶紧东找西找贴出来了。 ;-)

Originally posted by Alexchen at 2004-2-6 08:33 PM:
Can you post some of your daughter\'s pictures? I think she is also a lovely baby.
 楼主| 发表于 2004-2-14 06:44:53 | 显示全部楼层
Thanks a lot for showing the your daughter\'s pictures!

She is a pretty girl, actually a little beauty.

Good Luck to you
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