5) 开公司做广告
学习如何开公司做广告,自己起个公司的名字,做一宣传小册子,自己再做些名片,然后在教室里的桌子上摆上自己的宣传品和名片,向人招揽生意,兜售自己的产品,发放名片。诚实成立的是旅游公司,到水星上旅游。封面是这样的,“到水星上旅游Travel to planet Mercury”,(水星图片),然后又写到“到水星上旅游是令人兴奋的。如果你计划两年之内去旅游,你将得到折扣”。手册里面还写到,“我们将提供足够的食物,水等。你可以呆上一个水星年(相当于88个地球日),当然你也可以提前离开。你的票价是1百万零149美元29美分,减价后是99万9千9百99美元99美分。小孩12岁以下半价。你可随时打电话通知我们你想要离开。
那儿的旅馆名字是水星旅馆。那里有许多饭店,咖啡馆和商店。飞行时间大约一天。如果你来晚了,火箭会等你的。由于水星早晚温差很大,我们准备好了适合你的预寒衣服。联系电话 1800-968-5998 或参观我们的网站 http://www.spacetravel.com”。然后还有些图片和水星地理知识介绍。 (It will be an exciting place if you travel to the planet . In the next two year you will earn a discount on your trips.\"(We will provide plenty of food, water, ect. You can stay at the planet for one Mecurian year (88 Earth days). Of course you could leave erly. Your ticket will cost $1,000,140.29 and with the discount it will only $999,999.99.
Kids under 12 will be charged at half price. You can call or inform us when you want to leave Mercury. The names of the hotels are Mercury, the closest planent and crater. There are plenty of restaurant, cafe’s, and shops Flights take about one day without delay. If you are late, your roket will wait. Since Mercury is hot on one side and cold on the other, we will suits that will suit you to the temperature and weather. You can contact us at 1800-968-5998 or visit our website at http://www.spacetravel.com) |