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How to choose daycare? (ZT)

发表于 2004-3-30 23:30:41 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

After identifying your needs and priorities, consider the following elements of quality child care and evaluate each centre carefully:


Atmosphere (home-like or institutionalized). Is it clean, safe, comfortable, and cheerful?
Is there a variety of learning centres and are materials at age appropriate levels?
Are there samples of children’s art work on display?
Is there a personal space for each child (cubbies)?
Is there an outdoor fenced in play area for outdoor activities?
Is the facility licensed?


Do the teachers possess an ECE and "First Aid/CPR certificate?
Are the teacher/child ratios adhered to?
Do the teachers encourage autonomy in the children?
Are the teachers sincerely interested in children and interact with them?
Is positive discipline and follow-through practiced?
Do the teachers get down to the children’s eye level when speaking with them and do they use a respectful, friendly tone of voice?
Are parents welcomed and encouraged to drop by unannounced?
Are parents encouraged to observe and discuss policies/concerns, make suggestions, and help in the centre in order to best meet the needs of all children?
Is the centre’s license and weekly menu prominently displayed?


Does the centre’s weekly menu meet Canada’s Food Guide?
Are children exposed to nutritionally balanced meals, snacks, and are they encouraged to try a variety of food?
Does the centre serve whole 2% mild (not powdered) and undiluted vitamised fruit juice?
Is water available at all times?
Does the centre have a tooth brushing program?
Is the centre strict with the rules concerning sick children?
Does the centre post information notices should the children be exposed to a communicable illness?
Do staff members sit with the children at meal times to provide a home-like setting and encourage positive table manners?


Are there a variety of materials and equipment available to the children such as books, play dough, blocks/dramatic play/water/sand areas, puzzles/other table top toys, creative art materials, and riding/climbing equipment?
Does the centre have a written parent Handbook stating education philosophies and objectives?
Are there developmental goals for the children’s physical, social/emotional, and cognitive growth?
Does the program offer a variety of group and individual age appropriate activities to meet the needs of each child?
Does the curriculum include activities relating to math, science, art, language arts, music, fine/gross motor, and social studies?
Are activities both child initiated and teacher directed?
Are the weekly written activity plans posted in the Parents’ Centre?
Exceptional child care can be easy to find when referring to the above guidelines. As parents we want to ensure that our children receive the best possible care with lots of love and understanding. Visit several times before choosing a centre, ask any questions for which you many be unsure of, and observe the children. Are they relaxed, content, and involved? A quality facility will offer references and an "open door" policy. Take time to read their references and ask to speak to parents presently attending as well as parents who no longer attend. References speak loud and clear for the kind of the care the children are receiving. Our children are priceless gifts and they deserve the best of anything that we provide for them.
发表于 2004-3-31 02:31:28 | 显示全部楼层
不过看过很多DAYCARE好象没有一家是有personal space for each child (cubbies)呢.是加拿大的标准吗?
还有一个顾虑就是,上次才知道那里的assitant director的儿子也在那个班,不知道该不该担忧.
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