<P>转万维好贴回复:送交者: xiaoO 2005年6月07日11:10:50 于 [竞技沙龙] </P>
( W; P5 `0 A" r! M. G# B<P> </P>
0 N) o9 V7 P8 C<P>actually lots of western artist post impressionism are strongly influenced by oriental art. mainly Japanese art, which is actually rooted from China. there are also Chinese artists who pursued \"reality\", I remember seeing a portrait of a Chinese artist in Qing dynasty, he used yin ying and other method, his portaint is different from others in the sense that it almost looked like western art. One thing Chinese art is more or less similar to expressionism, instead of impressionism. Impressionism emphasizes on capturing of momentary image that nature created, expressionism expresses the inner feelings of nature. More like Chinese Xie Yi. Another thing Chinese art is different from western art is, one Chinese painting can usually be done in short time, zhu zhang yi qi he cheng, on the other hand, western art took days, months even years to finish. One good example is Da Vinci’s Mona lisa’s smile, it was said it took him many years to finish it. I don’t know if that can be interpreted as: as a whole, we Chinese are a bit lack of patience? At least I know I am lack of it.  </P>4 {2 v0 s5 j1 d/ \
<P> </P>3 n0 z& }) a, A, ~$ C& A* B: w' K& Y
<P><B>绘画和耐心</B> 交者: 图钉 2005年6月08日10:44:39 </P>
5 ] v2 H# [; _; l$ U8 R4 [<P> </P>% W# k8 R* p* V7 I
<P>师妹有关耐心与绘画形式的观点很新鲜,你的想法总是出其不意。站在坑边往下看,却原来也是深深沉沉,想说同意觉着不妥,想说不同意似乎也没有道理。 </P>& |( N' Q& m( z) j& y$ a3 o1 P
<P> </P>( {/ o. S; G) y6 S3 T
<P>从材料上来说,作品完成时间的长短,未必代表着是否有耐心,油画花的时间长也是出与一种无奈,等待油画颜料的干是需要时间的。达芬奇的创作也不能当成典型的例子,他那种天才的举动,也经常是出于常人意料的,他可能画完蒙娜丽沙的鼻子后,马上转身去研究他的飞行器,然后画了半个下巴后又转尔推算他的公式。他化的时间长,为什么不是因为他没有耐心专注某一件事情呢?他有很多未完成作品,总不能说油画不易完成吧。 </P>- H, \. a+ g: }0 S. r
<P> </P>7 u$ L3 E+ Q8 n* V8 F
<P>不过中国画家又的确没耐心对着所画物仔仔细细地写生,没有耐心全部表现眼里看到的东西。西画立基础为写生,中国画则定入门于临摹。于是中国画更注重门派师承,在介绍画家时必定会有先临谁谁,后学某某的描述。是否还记得画梅兰竹菊?你问我怎么看到梅花的样子,我说不需要看,梅花就是这样画的,一本芥子园画谱,里面尽是化枝的形态,稍加组合变化就是自己的了。我会不会在梅花开时对着实物画,我想会,但对画那种梅花好象没有必要,因为用不着向西画那样,去描写阳光在花影间的游动,用不着去抓落红映兰天的瞬间。从这方面说,似乎是缺少某种耐心。如果是,那倒底是耐心不足造成了绘画形式,还是形式造成耐心的缺乏? 中西画还有另外的不同,画国画时你不能错,画油画你可以改。画国画前你要考虑清楚,所谓胸有成竹,落笔无悔。那么,如果真有耐心的不同,是否可以说,中国画的耐心在画前,油画的耐心在画中。</P> |