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2004 华尔街日报全美最佳大学排行榜50强

发表于 2004-11-20 08:54:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2004年美国华尔街日报根据各大学毕业生进入顶级研究生院的比例. 研究得出全美最佳大学排行榜, 以反映各大学的平均毕业生质量和人才培养的水准.

近年美国大学日趋激烈的入学竞争成为社会焦点. 尤其是考虑到毕业之后如何进入最受美国社会推崇的职业生涯--医生,律师,公司CEO--进入顶级医法商研究生院自然成为最佳途径. 因此华尔街日报决定对全美所有大学进行研究对比,究竟是哪些学校成功地将其毕业生送入全美最顶级的15所研究生院?

通过对包括沃顿商学院,耶鲁法学院,哈弗医学院在内的全美国15所顶级医,法,商研究生院在读5000余名研究生的统计, 得出这份精确的全美大学最佳毕业生排行榜. 该统计以各大学毕业生进入顶级研究生院的人数除以该校应届毕业生总数, 以客观反映各大学毕业生平均质量.

统计结果显示:常青藤三巨头 哈弗Harvard,耶鲁Yale,普林斯顿Princeton 众望所归的包揽了排行榜前3名. 但是之后的排名就耐人寻味,常青藤联盟中有4所大学没有进入前10名. 公立与州立大学如密歇根大学,加州伯克利大学等更是被远远抛在后面. 纽约大学(NYU)排在69位, 有一些知名度相对较小的精英式私立大学却有不错的表现.

排名统计方法: 通常的大学排名往往以入学新生的成绩为重要衡量标准.但是我们更关注大学毕业生的质量和成就,尤其是其毕业生进入全美最具声望研究生院的比例.我们决定选出15所研究生院(医学院,法学院,商学院各5所). 如何确定这15所最佳研究生院便至关重要, 通过对全美各大研究生院院长,大公司招聘部门主任,和主流媒体发布的各类研究生院排名的调研,得出一致认可的15所最佳研究生院名单如下:

医学院: 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia), 哈弗大学(Harvard) ,约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins), 加州大学旧金山分校(University of California, San Francisco), 耶鲁大学(Yale),

法学院: 芝加哥大学(Chicago); 哥伦比亚大学(Columbia); 哈弗大学(Harvard); 密歇根大学(Michigan); 耶鲁大学(Yale)

商学院: 芝加哥大学(Chicago); 达特茅斯大学(Dartmouth's Tuck School); 哈弗大学(Harvard); 麻省理工大学 (MIT's Sloan School); 宾戏法尼亚大学沃顿( Penn's Wharton School)

根据进入这15所全美最佳研究生院的的大学毕业生占其应届毕业生的比列, 我们得出2004全美最佳大学排行榜.

for getting into Harvard Law, Yale Med, Chicago Business and all those other elite business, medical and law schools. Below, our list of the top 50 “feeder schools,”based on our count of how many of their alumni started this fall at 15 select grad programs (see “Behind the Rankings”). The rankings are based on thenumber of students a college sends to a grad school divided by the college’s class size—our Feeder Score.


1 Harvard University 21.49%
2 Yale University 17.96%
3 Princeton University 15.78%
4 Stanford University 10.70%
5 Williams College 9.06%
6 Duke University 8.61%
7 Dartmouth College 8.45%
8 MIT 7.75%
9 Amherst College 7.66%
10 Swarthmore College 7.44%
11 Columbia University 7.14%
12 Brown University 6.51%
13 Pomona College 6.35%
14 University of Chicago 6.22%
15 Wellesley College 5.98%
16 University of Pennsylvania 5.49%
17 Georgetown University 5.10%
18 Haverford College 4.47%
19 Bowdoin College 3.96%
20 Rice University 3.80%
21 Northwestern University 3.69%
22 Claremont McKenna College 3.69%
23 Middlebury College 3.64%
24 Johns Hopkins Univ 3.54%
25 Cornell University 3.23%
26 Bryn Mawr College 2.90%
27 Wesleyan University 2.87%
28 California Institute of Technology 2.81%
29 Morehouse College, Atlanta 2.79%
30 University of Michigan, 2.73%
31 New College of Florida 2.65%
32 Vassar College 2.58%
33 University of Virginia 2.55%
34 United States Military 2.38%
35 University of Notre Dame 2.27%
36 Emory University, Atlanta 2.19%
37 United States Naval Academy 2.13%
38 Macalester College 1.97%
39 Brandeis University 1.96%
40 Bates College 1.92%
41 University of California,Berkeley 1.90%
42 Barnard College 1.87%
43 Trinity College 1.86%
44 Grinnell College 1.78%
45 Tufts University 1.77%
46 Colby College, Waterville 1.70%
47 Washington University, St. Louis 1.70%
48 Washingtonand Lee 1.69%
49 Case Western Reserve University 1.65%
50 Reed College 1.64%

Behind the Rankings

Traditionally, college rankings have focused on test scores and grade averages of kids coming in the door. But we wanted to find out what happens after they leave -- and try to get into prestigious grad schools.We focused on 15 elite schools, five each from medicine, law and business, to serve as our benchmark for profiling where the students came from. Opinions vary, of course, but our list reflects a consensus of grad-school deans we interviewed, top recruiters and published grad-school rankings (including the Journal's own MBA rankings). So for medicine, our schools were Columbia; Harvard; Johns Hopkins; the University of California, San Francisco; and Yale, while our MBA programs were Chicago; Dartmouth's Tuck School; Harvard; MIT's Sloan School; and Penn's Wharton School. In law, we looked at Chicago; Columbia; Harvard; Michigan; and Yale.
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