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Start Crafts Series (For Kids up to 10)

发表于 2004-4-21 02:02:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Stand Alone Start

·Printer (optional)
·Stiff paper (like card stock, oaktag or thin cardboard) or styrofoam meat trays
·Crayons or markers (optional)

1. Two paper stars are needed to make one 3-dimensional star. Either draw two identical stars on a piece of stiff paper (Templates see Pic 1)

2. Decorate the two stars (if you like) on both sides, then cut them out. (Pic 2)

3. Make one slit in each star. On one star, the slit goes from an inner corner to the center point of the star; on the other star, the slit goes from an outer corner to the center point. (Pic 3)

4. Slip the two stars together through the slits you just cut. For stability, you may have to tape the stars a bit where they meet at the slits. (Pic 4)

5. You now have a great three-dimensional star decoration that stands by itself on a table. (Pic 5)

[ Last edited by cutie on 2004-4-20 at 02:16 PM ]
 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 02:09:33 | 显示全部楼层
2. Drinking Straw Mobile


·Drinking straws
·Paper clips
·Construction paper

1. To make the basic unit of the mobile, slip a paper clip on the middle of a straw. Slip a paper clip on the straw near each end. (Pic 1)

2. Make a few of the units in the last step, and put them together using paper clip chains. To make the mobile balance, you can slide the paper clips over. (Pic 2)

3.  Cut out some colorful shapes, animals or letters from construction paper. Clip the paper shapes to your mobile. Then hang the entire mobile from the ceiling! (Pic 3 & 4)
 楼主| 发表于 2004-4-21 02:21:51 | 显示全部楼层
3. 3D Star


·Crayons or markers
·A short length of yarn or string

1. Print out two copies of the star template. To go to the template, click here. This will make one 3-D star. (Template see Pic 1)

2. Decorate the two stars and cut them out. (Pic 2)

3. Fold the tab under both of the the stars. Crease the interior lines of the stars so that the arms of the star puff up. (Pic 3)

4. Put glue on the flaps and glue the two stars together (each flap should be glued to the inside of the other star). Glue a short loop of string or yarn to one arm of the star. (Pic 4)
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