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死后世界和我们的身体 - 埃德加·凯西

发表于 2009-12-12 17:03:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Dimensions of the Afterlife and the Body 2 a  T. g  E& a# C; T
by Kevin Williams
, p8 T6 m: f, x+ K, O. {% |, F. Y2 q1 v; h" X
  Our present existence on Earth is three dimensional. There is time, space, and motion. We think of space in terms of height, length, and width; time as past, present, and future. We speak of ourselves as having physical, mental, and spiritual life. We understand the dimensions of man’s awareness to be conscious, subconscious, and superconscious; the world about us as mineral, plant, and animal. The Bible refers to a three dimensional God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.2 h9 o2 W  I! c( w
7 a; [$ C9 |7 {: `, E, K1 }  我们如今在地球上的存在是三维的。存在着时间、空间和运动。空间即长、高、宽;时间即过去、现在和未来。我们视自己为具有生理、心理和灵魂的生命。我们知道人的感知范围有:意识、潜意识和超意识;我们所处的世界有矿物、动物和植物。圣经中提到一个三维的圣父、圣子和圣灵的三位一体的上帝。9 p/ @, Q- o, K
( u5 B0 H- l0 d- ^  According to Cayce’s revelations, our experience relates more to the entire solar system and not just three dimensional Earth. Cayce stated that each solar system is like a university with many dimensions of learning available and through which we must travel through. Our solar system has nine dimensions or planes of consciousness, of which Earth represents the third. The dimensions of consciousness are associated with the planets of our solar system. This does not mean souls live on the surface of other planets as we do on Earth, but rather, souls live in fourth and fifth dimensional realms associated with the planetary spheres that we see with our three dimensional eyes. The physical planets also have nonphysical realms which souls can experience when not active in the physical body on Earth. This would include death, deep sleep, or other altered states that free the subconsicous from its normal physical constraints. There is not only reincarnation in the Earth plane, but reincarnation in other planes between Earth incarnations as well. If a soul incarnates into an Earth life from one of these planetary influences, the soul will manifest the influence of the realm from which it recently came. These influences, which are defined in astrology, are related to the dimension symbolized by the planet. Cayce did not give a complete description of them; however, the following incomplete chart was derived from his psychic readings. Each planet in our solar system has a particular influence by which certain lessons are to be learned and for which we are tested on Earth. They are:
  V+ I7 ]. Q. Z# M+ r  
+ h7 o6 \) L3 h; Q  根据凯西的揭示,我们的经验不只与三维的地球有关,而更与整个太阳系有关。凯西称,每个太阳系就像一个有许多东西可学和我们必须穿越的多维宇宙。我们的太阳系有九个意识层次或维度,地球代表第三个。意识的维度与我们太阳系的行星相关。这并不是说,灵魂像我们居住在地球上一样居住在其它行星的表面,而是灵魂居住于与我们用自己三维的眼睛所看到的行星相关的第四和第五维度的国度。物质的行星上也有当地球上的物质身体不活动时灵魂可以经验的非物质的国度。这包括死亡、深度睡眠、或其它变更状态,它们使潜意识从它平常的物质局限中解放出来。不仅在地球层有轮回,在地球轮回之间,在其它层次也有轮回。如果一个灵魂受这些行星之一的影响力投生至地球生命,这个灵魂会表现出它刚离开的行星的影响力。占星学对这些影响力作出了详细解释,这些影响力与以这个行星作为象征的维度相关。凯西并未对它们进行完整的描述;但以下不完整的列表出自他的心灵解读材料。我们太阳系中的每颗行星都有一种特殊的影响力,我们通过它得以学会某些课程,为此我们在地球上经受考验。它们是:
3 k- r* L8 u2 U. A  
, ?, K) q( M) K/ u4 ?距离太阳的位置  死后维度          行星            影响力
5 f  d/ [6 e# [/ D9 b& y4 k1                       2                水星             意识3 ~3 X% d9 V5 j$ o
2                       4                金星             爱
. f+ v& H3 `( [- f; }8 k3                       3                地球             考验(肉身)" j1 t# r" K0 t0 q$ x! K
4                       -                火星             愤怒$ `$ D; {3 q, d# i) @6 j
5                       7                木星             力量
& \3 C' N/ Q7 k# ~! M& {6                       1                土星             悲伤$ Y1 V% ~" ?  z5 a' w
7                       8                天王星          心灵* }/ c* O1 Z* i/ v, @* g2 q
8                       -                海王星          神秘
& F' u% _$ `8 B. i8 {0 {, D, A9                       -                冥王星          潜意识
7 t7 W6 J1 E( h  * M/ E! u. K' h* ~/ X; V
  Jesus said the Kingdom of heaven is within you. Your body is a temple for the Spirit of God. On this earth plane, a person is influenced by their flesh and, in many ways, the influence of the flesh determines a person’s level of spiritual development. According to Cayce and the Eastern religions, within your body are seven spiritual centers. Through these spiritual centers, our spiritual force finds a means of expression. Our bodies are like a miniature solar system with our hearts performing the function of the sun, the center of the system. The seven spiritual centers are the seven endocrine glands which are the Pituitary gland (the "third eye"), the Pineal gland, the Thyroid, the Thymus, the Adrenal glands, the Lyden gland, and finally the sexual gland (the testes or ovaries). These glands are known by science to be the emotional and motivational centers of the body. They act especially in responses to the imaginative forces of the mind. For example, when you get angry, the Adrenals secrete. The activity of the sexual glands is directly related to sexual motivation. Science knows that the Pituitary is the master gland of the body. It’s secretions have a direct and coordinating effect on all the other glands. According to Cayce and the Eastern religions, each spiritual center is connected to a different plane of spiritual consciousness. The lowest spiritual center, the sexual glands, is influenced by the lowest plane of consciousness. The Pituitary gland is influenced by the highest plane of consciousness. The plane of consciousness one travels to upon death is generally determined by the spiritual center that has the greater influence in a person’s life. Below is a chart showing the location of these spiritual centers on the body. At the bottom of this page is a table showing how these spiritual centers and the afterlife planes of consciousness go together.
3 l0 M4 @: ]0 f$ f, z; N8 K  
. S7 q+ S1 O4 Y1 U! S4 v- n  耶稣说,天国在你自身之内。你的身体是上帝灵性的庙宇,在地球上,一个人受到他肉身的影响,肉身的影响在很多方面决定了一个人灵性的发展程度。根据凯西和东方宗教,在你体内有七个灵性中心。通过这些灵性中心,我们的灵性力量找到一种表达方式。我们的身体就像一个缩微的太阳系,我们的心起着太阳的作用,它是系统的中心。这七个灵性中心是七个内分泌腺体,它们是脑垂体(“第三只眼”)、松果腺、甲状腺、胸腺、肾上腺、太阳淋巴丛、和性腺(精巢或卵巢)。科学对这些腺体的了解是,它们是身体的情感和动机的中心。它们尤其对头脑的想象力做出反应。例如,当你发怒时,肾上腺素就会分泌。性腺的活动直接与性动机有关。科学认为,脑垂体是身体中首要的腺体。它的分泌对所有其它腺体具有直接的和协调的影响。根据凯西和东方宗教,每个灵性中心与一个特定的灵性意识层相连。脑垂体受到灵性意识层中的最高层的影响。死亡时一个人去往的意识层次通常由这个人一生中影响最大的灵性中心决定。以下图表显示这些灵性中心在身体中的部位。本文最后的图表则表明这些灵性中心和死后意识层次是如何紧密相关的。: o# |# @' e8 d( f

! }( B3 i7 o; u+ a" Z8 P+ ~层次     光谱     振动     数     元素     层的特性     东方脉轮     腺体或身体部位 8 D* F  J! _( M1 B1 v) T
冥王星  ——     ——     ——   ——     潜意识        ——          ——
. B3 v6 r. f' n- @7 b木星     紫        啦        7      ——     力量          第三只眼     脑垂体
+ L9 |, [- h6 I  _, ^( L水星     青        梯        6      ——     意识          王冠          松果腺! W" K3 w% Z7 R6 i7 u
天王星  蓝        嗦        5      ——     心灵          喉             甲状腺
/ g, j6 [/ a( t  W/ V+ I4 |4 q+ r金星     绿        发        4      风        爱             心             胸腺6 W$ K6 n- C8 ^) w
火星     黄        咪        3      火        愤怒          脐             肾上腺8 N" b0 ^& ]& t) V! Y6 Q
海王星  橙        来        2      水        神秘         下腹部        太阳淋巴丛
7 p. `" u" \! }9 ]3 u- j土星     赤        哆        1      土        悲伤         根部           性腺0 F) \1 C, j4 p8 E! o
地球     ——     ——     ——   ——     考验
+ T' c2 o; L3 f! _9 X; d" h) e5 |# U* v5 X
  As an example, Edgar Cayce during a reading described his most recent sojourns throughout the cosmos. The soul of Edgar Cayce sojourned in the dimension of Uranus, the plane of the "psychic", and just before incarnating in the earth dimension, had a brief experience in the dimension of Venus. He incarnated into the earth with these most recent experiences ingrained in his soul. Such a combination would make a person "psychic" having a "heart" for helping others.
) r1 Q1 V& x# m; O  3 v( ~: K# l/ M: L0 d7 t. d
7 m2 P9 m  }# A7 o6 _6 k  
! C6 X( L: J' J0 A" I  As another example, Edgar Cayce described his sister Lila’s sojourns. Her soul sojourned in the dimension of Jupiter prior to incarnating into the earth. But before incarnating she had an experience in Mercury which added to her mental ability. Jupiter’s influence of "high mindedness and large groups" is one of the reasons she later became an executive for the International Red Cross. Large groups and high ideals often come with incarnations in the Jupiter dimension according to Cayce. These influences, Cayce says, are latent within the soul by soul experience, not just because the stars are in a certain position at the time of birth. The soul has actually had experiences in these dimensions. This is an energy the soul can draw on during our experience here. During sleep, we also enter into the dimensions again according to Cayce. We are truly citizens of the cosmos even as we walk the earth.  K; Y3 m1 F- r/ R' k' z
  1 N6 H. |) H7 w
发表于 2009-12-13 01:43:30 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2009-12-13 02:11:20 | 显示全部楼层
哈哈!我估计PO同学是这个思维过程:8 p$ a  f7 _+ {% \' J
" [$ G6 D- K6 B, N
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-16 22:52:10 | 显示全部楼层
# m7 O& V! e- ?  V4 D: t5 h& M# r$ S* F# ]% s& z% \
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-16 22:59:59 | 显示全部楼层
3 v! j( ]4 J- V2 o' Z7 i( c还有这句:“死亡时一个人去往的意识层次通常由这个人一生中影响最大的灵性中心决定。”" U" @2 y( N* H; i6 A3 h# v) ~
发表于 2009-12-17 01:48:46 | 显示全部楼层
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