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Buster's Bright Idea - Blood Furnace and Drinking Do Mix!

发表于 2009-9-11 11:58:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Well, well, well. Done fallen through the portal. At a first glance, I do a double take and realize there is a huge pit lord in front of me waiting to drink my soul and rip my mind apart. Well before you go through the portal you should pick up the beginning quest that is right before the portal. It will guide you to wing commanders and get you a free ride to Honor Hold. Honor Hold, by the way, is chock full of quests.
As we prepare for these quests and the instances to come, my talents are put thus:
? Arms: Deflection 5
? Protection: Tactical Mastery 3 - Anticipation 5
? Fury: Cruelty 5 - Unbridled wow gold Wrath 5 - Piercing Howl 1 - Imp Battle Shout 5 - Dual Wield 5 - Improved Execute 2 - Enrage 5 - Imp Intercept 2 - Flurry 5 - Precision 3
I changed it this way so that I could run instance and level by myself. You do it your way and I''ll do it mine! Oh and I found out all too late but there are no class trainers out in the Outland. So while you are still in the old world, take some time to play around with your talents and gain your new skills. Be prepared to spend a lot of money! Luckily in beta, it is only costs 1 copper to respec.
Now back to Honor Hold... again.
So I''ve found it is probably good to be around 61-62 before trying to go into the Blood Furnace, or at least have some epic gear. I am 60 and I had some problems keeping aggro. Despite the minor aggro problem, this instance is very easy to go through. The dungeon is very spacious and there are very few mobs around. The basic enemy groups are composed of the usual warlock, summoner, caster and tank mobs, which are fairly easy especially with a little crowd control. Also, there are Rogues that are hiding throughout the instance. The Rogues LOVE to be in corners where you think you will be safe. When you feel like you are in a rather open area, that is because you aren''t alone. There are also orcish wow gold engineers that throw sticks of dynamite and plant mines. These mines can be rather DEADLY! As a tank, pull the engineers away from the mine as soon as possible because they do around 1200 points of damage, and tanking a couple of these guys can really stack up the damage. There are also Imps throughout the instance. When you see a group of three Orcs with an Imp involved, try to sap one of the Orcs, sheep the other and take the imp out first. The imps are not elite mobs so they should go down fast. A single "dps class" can be assigned to these.

Once you get up to the first boss, the Maker, he''s fairly easy as just a "tank and stomp". BUT he does heal by mind controlling the healer of the group, so don''t let this happen! I got a level 61 necklace off of him that makes me sweat just thinking about the DPS (see picture).
Now we proceed to the second boss named Broggok. In between the first and the second bosses, there are Felguards that cannot be stunned. Unfortunately there is a lot of aggro reset off the mobs so tanks will need to be aware in order to keep the bad guys from running over to slam your healer. The second boss fight is a pain in the ass. You clear the room and you can see the boss floating behind a gate. (He sort of looks like a Beholder.) When you are ready for the boss, there is a huge lever to pull. Once you pull this lever, a gate opens on one of the sides and 3 mobs come rushing out.
"Make me a drink, Maker!"
Don''t worry, as the enemies are not elite. After you clear the first group, a second gate opens up (think AQ-20 second boss). Now one of these is elite and the others are not. The third wave is composed of three enemies, two of which are elites. THE FOURTH EVENT IS VERY IMPORTANT!! On the wow gold fourth event I believe there are 4 mobs, 3 of which are elites. Take down the non-elite and sheep one of the elites. Now, take down the two that are not sheeped. IMPORTANT: Keep that 4th mob sheeped and mana up! There is no time limit so just keep re-sheeping. Once you feel that you are ready, take down that last sheep and fight the boss. Think snake boss in Zul''Gurub for this boss, except simpler. When he comes out, nab it with your bad tank self and keep up on the aggro. Around every 30 seconds or so you will see a small green cloud at his feet. Just keep moving in a small circle to stay out of it because it does around 400 damage per second. When he dies EVERYONE needs to stay away from the corpse as he spreads 2-3 clouds of his poison that can easily wipe the entire group! I am not saying this happened to us or anything. Once it cleared and we got the loot - nothing for me - we are now ready to move on to the third boss. Clear all the trash (same as between the first and second bosses, even with same mobs). Once you reach the third boss you will notice five Summoners in a circle with one guy in the middle in a HUGE area. The guy in the middle is the boss named Keli''dan the Breaker and you have to kill the other ones to get to the boss#
Here goes nothing! Busssssstaaaaaa Jeennnnkinnnns! Sheep one and sap another if you have a Rogue. Run back into the hallway and out of "line of sight" so the guys follow you out of the main room. Once they come in, eat ''em! Someone will need to work on "cleansing" the debuff they cast as it increases shadow damage taken by 1000. Take out the sapped mob next and if you have to heal up, leave the last one sheeped until you are ready, just like we did at the second boss. Once you kill the last sheep, the boss decides to come and play. IMMEDIATELY move into the huge room and spread around the boss mob with everyone except melees at maxed range. He is a caster that does Warlock-ish spells including multiple shadow bolts that hits everyone. NOW the MOST DANGEROUS ability that this guy has is like Blastwave but much, much larger. He kneels down and gets a red swirling glow around him then says BURN BURN BURN! IMMEDIALTY after you see this, haul butt away from him and wait for the Blastwave to happen then move back in to resume damage. He will do this multiple times during the fight. If you have problems with this at first, try using a fire resistance potion to absorb a few of your mistakes. Other than that he is a piece of cake. He dropped a wonderful rogue BP with all kinds of sockets that Sprawl got. Other than that it''s was nice easy run. I have a feeling that when the Expansion Pack hits, they will be adding more mobs to the instance because it has a rather spacious empty feeling. Overall this is a wonderful starting instance to get you acquainted with the Outland. It is very straight-forward and has all the right attributes to make for a rather easy last minute pick-up raid instance. And by today''s standards, the loot you find in here is outrageous.
Keli''dan the Breaker Tip
While drinking, I was stumbling around the room. Near the edges of the big area where the boss is fought are small and large rocks. If you stand on the smaller rocks, you will get a debuff called the Rage of Magtheridon, which is actually a buff that increases range, melee and spell casting speed by 30% for 30 sec, just like Bloodlust/Heroism.
Next week we go into Hellfire Ramparts and I will cover that instance completely from a tanks point of view! I plan on getting some quests done and hopefully level a few times. Stew, the Gnome Warlock, will be releasing his column tomorrow, so be sure to come back. Thanks for reading and see you every Monday until the end of Closed Beta!
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