在国内时,从来没有见过大雪盖地景色。第一次看到满世界垲垲白雪,还是在新泽西的第一个冬天。从此有关冬天的印象里,才有了白净的雪,蔚蓝的天,清澈的溪流和树林的明快对比。 不久前在网上看到一幅冬天小溪的照片,觉得好静,好安逸,和自己的印象如此吻合。画时夸张了线条的流动和蓝天在水中的反映,简化了层次。想用线条,把溪水的流畅和轻吟带出来,把观者的心,融进那无底的晶莹透彻中。 : j& J1 n4 _4 G. s! Q6 `
(MS Paint, Mouse Pen, 2007, 418x295 px)
4 D6 O% v3 y- IWinter‘s Lines and Curves
Growing up in the Southwest of China, I had never seen a fully snow covered nature till my first winter in New Jersey. It was just so beautiful and I could not help throwing myself into the snow again and again.
This drawing was based on a photo seen on the web. Exaggerated layers and the reflection of the sky, simplified curves and forest in the view, I could hear the melody from the trees and fell myself melting away with the creek. |